Art by Folkert de Jong. The fact that I post something here does not say anything about a positive opinion of mine. I did not like this work much, but it was one of the best in the museum.
Nothing to see for some days. But we'll continue on 2009-11-15, from this time on with added comments. The photos however stay the most important element. The text is just an extra.
rus·te·loos (restless) is a photoblog about travelling, all-day-life and the simple life of a simple individual in a simple city. Or maybe it is a little more complex.
~ rest·less (adjective; rest·less·ly)
1 without inner peace
2 characterized by or showing inability to remain at rest: a restless mood.
3 unquiet or uneasy, as a person, the mind, or the heart.
4 never at rest; perpetually agitated or in motion: the restless sea.
5 without rest; without restful sleep: a restless night.
6 unceasingly active; averse to quiet or inaction, as persons: a restless crowd.
~ peace (noun)
1 the normal, non warring condition of a nation, group of nations, or the world.
2 a state of mutual harmony between people or groups, esp. in personal relations: Try to live in peace with your neighbours.
3 freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, an obsession, etc.; tranquillity; serenity.
~ peace (verb)
1 Obsolete. to be or become silent.