
What is rus·te·loos?
rus·te·loos (restless) is a photoblog about travelling, all-day-life and the simple life of a simple individual in a simple city. Or maybe it is a little more complex. Is there anything simple, really?

Why hasn't the blog updated for so long?
Well um.. yeah.
Because I got married, moved two times while merging my and my husbands stuff into one big chaos, tried to get some order in that chaos and failed, kept trying and now we're succeeding. We actually have a neat, big, cool home for ourselves now, which is even rather clean and tidy. We just don't have a cat anymore, which is a shame. That shameful situation shall hopefully not last for too long.
And then, just when I thought, 'hey, let's continue the blog!' my phone broke. The one with the camera in it. However, IF I am smart and very kind to it, I can make one photo a day, for as long as it is connected to the.. what's the name, 'loader'? or the computer. That's not very interesting, so it will be repaired soon.

Why does rus·te·loos exist?
rus·te·loos has been created as an experiment. It is meant to be a collection of images, a 'daily photograph'-collection. I try to show my life without revealing too much of my privacy, and study composition, colour-usage, subject, and conceptualism. That's why.

How is rus·te·loos made?
All photos are unedited & made with an LG Viewty in Panorama-modus. There's no photoshopping, apart from the little 'copyright Ness Rivka Bashe'-mark.

Is rus·te·loos updated regularly?
Most likely not. Updates are more or less once a week, seven photographs at a time.
You can click on an image to enlarge it, by the way. They say less is more, but they also say bigger is better...

Who makes rus·te·loos?
Some girl. She's a painter, a bit of a dreamer, and a little too much of a nerd. She can be tracked, if you take some time for that. Who doesn't leave some trails on the interwebz? But it's easier to just click on the 'Links' tab on top.

What's with the fish?
Well, that one just someday started out of the blue. And it has stayed since then, because I grew used to it. So yes, I need more fish now.